Tips for bridesmaid

Have you been chosen or should you choose a fiancé? We congratulate you both with such a beautiful friendship and a great privilege!

This week we will write a little about being a good bridesmaid both for the chosen one to live up to expectations and for the bride to be able to choose the right person as her bridesmaid.

With a few simple words, a bridesmaid is one that takes care of the wellbeing of the bride. Getting married in Spain is a little different to take care of the bride. It is important to make sure that the bride gets enough water during a hot summer day in the South! There are always a lot of cava at a wedding in Spain, but most people would like to start the wedding with water to later enjoy the cava and wine for dinner.

Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the bride does not get sunburned while taking pictures on the beach. There are over 300 sunny days in Marbella and in 8 years we have only seen one rainy day at one of our weddings!

If the beautiful bride has a long elegant wedding dress, it is often the bridesmaid responsibility to make sure that it is perfectly suited for entry to the altar. We share a photo of one of the last bridesmaid that was attentive to the beautiful bride during the wedding ceremony:

Photo by Handycraft (

If you have more questions about how to be the perfect bridesmaid, please send us questions through our website:


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